Environmentally Friendly and Compostable Tomato Packaging

Environmentally Friendly and Compostable Tomato Packaging

Environmentally Friendly and Compostable Tomato Packaging

With its organic tomato program growing by double digits, one large North American greenhouse grower approached CKF, Inc. to develop packaging that would speak to organic consumers. The result is our top sealable 10 oz pint container. 

The container supports the organic consumer’s demand for recyclability, compostability and a reduction in plastic with its use of an Earthcycle base with a top seal lid. The entire package has 90% less plastic than a traditional clamshell, using 22% less oil in production and emitting 53% less greenhouse gas.

“We believe we are in line with what the organic consumer wants, less plastic and a flavorful product. We’ve seen a sizable jump in our organic sales since we introduced our new packaging,” said the Director of Sales and Business Development of the North American Greenhouse Grower.

CKF, in association with G’s Fresh, was awarded the FPC Award for Excellence in CSR for its development of a top sealable moulded pulp container for mushrooms. Through extensive pre-commercial testing and a wide commercial trial in Tesco stores in the UK, it was proven that packaged in Earthcycle, mushrooms stay fresher, longer – 20% longer than when packed in plastic. According to G’s Commercial Director, “In our commercial trial alone with Tesco we were able to avoid the use of close to 40 metric tons of plastic by using the Earthcycle punnets and provide our consumers longer lasting mushrooms while maintaining production efficiencies.”

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