Breaking down why they’re a challenge for recycling systems and some possible solutions
Confused about what can — and can’t — go in your blue box? Certain kinds of packaging are just too hard for many recycling programs to handle. Some...
Confused about what can — and can’t — go in your blue box? Certain kinds of packaging are just too hard for many recycling programs to handle. Some...
The Windsor Corporate Challenge is back for its 10th year, and Champion Products is proud to be a participant in the fundraiser, which supports th...
These containers are great for grab and go food ventures. They hold both hot and cold meals, and the clear, leak-resistant lid keeps food visible...
Environmentally Friendly and Compostable Tomato Packaging With its organic tomato program growing by double digits, one large North Ameri...
One of the main priorities for any business is to ensure that their work environment, whether a warehouse, office, or retail store, is safe for emp...
An estimated 800,000 jobs in Canada’s foodservice sector have already been lost due to the COVID-19 crisis, and now a national movement is afoot to...
As of December 20th, 2022 Canada’s Single-Use Plastic Ban is in effect. Keep reading to learn what this means for you and the products you buy and ...
The Windsor Corporate Challenge is back for its 10th year, and Champion Products is proud to be a participant in the fundraiser, which support...
Even though plastic bags have never been recyclable in Windsor-Essex, people are still adding bags to their recycling. In a response to an o...
To the naked eye, plastics can all seem to be identical. However, feeling them and understanding the composition of each plastic reveals that the...
While kitchen scraps and yard waste are OK for the city’s composting facility, some food containers aren’t making the cut. Francine Gomes, Cluck N...
Champion Products’ Annual Charity Golf Tournament will be held on Wednesday September 11th, 2019 at Silver Lakes Golf & Country Club. This ye...
It was only about 40 years ago that plastic bags became standard at U.S. grocery stores. This also made them standard in sewers, landfills, rivers ...
Pyrowave, Polystyvert and GreenMantra using non-traditional ‘chemical’ recycling technologies A food cart worker fills a styrofoam take-out contain...
Breaking down why they’re a challenge for recycling systems and some possible solutionsPosted: May 14, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: May 14, 2018...
Vancouver, St. John’s keep their bins squeaky clean, but there are trade-offsPosted: Apr 06, 2018 4:00 AM ET | Last Updated: April 9, 2018 ...
A lot has changed with the Federal Government’s amendment to WHMIS legislation. Under WHMIS 2015, hazard classes are different. There are new pict...
OSHA has indicated it intends to update its Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom or HCS) – which is currently aligned with GHS Revision 3 – to inc...
Back in 2012, OSHA aligned its Hazard Communication Standard (HazCom or HCS) with Revision 3 of the United Nation’s Globally Harmonized System of C...