
Most of the products we sell come to us from the original vendor and we deliver them to an industry such as wholesalers. We consider ourselves the “middle man” in the supply chain and we create alternative channel options for consumers. Our main goal is to get the product in the hand of the consumer. We can achieve this goal in one of two ways – selling directly to a large customer, such as grocery stores or selling to a large retailer who then sells each product to individual consumers. .
We Provide Best Quality Products & Services.
Champion Products Corp has, by design, evolved over time into a full service distributor capable of supplying its many customers with a vast range of products, close to 10,000 items in total. These include paper products, bags, films and other packaging products, janitorial supplies and maintenance equipment, personal safety products, facility maintenance items, toiletries and food service disposables..

Vast range of Products
Our mission is simple, yet a powerful statement of commitment to you: